How to Buy Weed in British Columbia

British Columbia is a gorgeous province in the most  southwestern portion of Canada known because of its beautiful forests and great fishing spots.  Ever since recreational marijuana was made legal in Canada, all sorts of cannabis enthusiasts have made this place a top travel choice. This article will tell you all you need to know on how to buy weed in British Columbia and what rules you’ll need to follow so you can partake as safely as possible. This new cannabis industry has grown incredibly popular in Canada and has become a reason many tourists and native Canadians alike have come to see what this province has to offer as a marijuana hot spot. British Columbia and Cannabis:  The culture surrounding cannabis in this province is mostly positive in recent years. Although, this was not always the case, as older British Columbians will tell you laws against weed were strict before the recent decades when it became more accepted. Ever since cannabis was legalized in 2018, this province has become a fine place for smokers to enjoy getting high without having to worry too much about other people criticizing them for it.  In 2020, if you are of age, you can have up to 30 grams of weed on your person in public and even smoke it in public so long as you’re not around schools, parks, or anywhere else with a no smoking policy.  However, it is not necessarily the best idea to just light up on the street. There are some places that are more lax than others but you may get some strange looks if you don’t consume your pot discreetly when out in public. 

Buying Weed Online in British Columbia:  Dispensaries going online are becoming more and more popular in this province because of it’s quickness, convenience and discreteness for tourists and locals alike.  The benefits of using online can offer you a better product variety of strains, various deals that are only available to online shoppers, and delivery straight to your door so you never even have to leave the house.  There are plenty of places on the web where you can purchase cannabis from in British Columbia and West Coast Bud is here for exactly this.

Rules: As stated before, you must be at least 19 years old to possess or consume any marijuana products in this province.  The maximum amount of weed you can have on you is 30 grams, which is a little bit over one ounce, in a public setting. You can’t smoke whatsoever if you are anywhere close to a playground, school, or somewhere where children are meant to gather as well. You also can’t smoke indoors unless it is within someone’s private residence and they are fine with you smoking in there. Public bathrooms, common areas in apartment buildings, and restaurants with no smoking policies are a no-go. Smoking weed in a car while driving or while you’re the passenger is prohibited but you are allowed to transport your bud by car so long as the container is not open.  

Why Buy Weed in British Columbia? As mentioned above, there are plenty of shops to choose from in British Columbia and of all the provinces in Canada, this one is among the more lax when it comes to its weed laws.  Plus, there is no shortage of things to do if you are planning a high adventure in this province. You could visit one of the many parks they have to get a taste of some of the bountiful natural beauty British Columbia has. Also, if you are staying close to the coast or one of the many lakes in this province, it is a great idea to try and catch some fish. British Columbia is a phenomenal fishing spot and nothing tastes better after a fresh joint then some freshly cooked fish! Of course, if you plan on staying near the urban areas, there is no shortage of delicious places to grab a bite to eat and go on a nice walk to see the bright lights of the nights in the city.

Bottom Line: British Columbia certainly has plenty of merit as a destination for weed smokers. There are plenty of ways you can buy the quality cannabis products you want through stores or online at low prices. Some of the top growers and strains are based out of this province and there is no shortage of ways you can have a great time with some great weed.  Of course, be sure to keep in mind the rules and regulations around cannabis in this province and stay as safe as you can while enjoying yourself to the fullest extent in a wonderful little pocket that is now on the marijuana map.