Buy Weed Online In Manitoba

Mail Order Marijuana

Manitoba resides in the most eastern portion of the 3 prairie provinces spanning all the way from the Hudson Bay to the Arctic Tundra and is simply one of the most diverse provinces in all of Canada. It has cities, wilderness, people, animals, and now, legal marijuana.

This article will focus on how to buy weed in Manitoba online, as well as take you through the rules and regulations that govern this new industry that has grown tremendously popular amongst Canadian citizens and tourists alike.

Manitoba & Cannabis:

Many people in the cities have loved to use cannabis for a long time while the more rural parts have tended to stay away from it until more recent years.

The laws regarding cannabis are fairly stringent compared to other Canadian provinces but there are plenty of ways to access cannabis products and plenty of Manitoba Canadians get high on a regular basis.

Buying Weed in Manitoba Online:

Purchasing weed from online distributors in Manitoba is becoming increasingly popular, especially now in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

As stated above, weed shops can be hard to come by if you do not live in the cities, so many Manitoba residents have opted to get their cannabis products delivered straight to their home without having to drive sometimes hours just to pick up bud.

Plus, the laws in Manitoba regarding weed are fairly stringent, so buying online is great for discreteness. Not to mention, if you aren’t going to smoke anywhere that isn’t your house, why not just get it delivered straight to there?


You must be at least 19 to buy any kind of cannabis product in Manitoba, and of course, it is illegal to give or smoke weed with anyone younger than this in this province.

You can only buy and carry up to a max of 30 grams, which is about a little over an ounce of weed, at any given time.

It is also illegal to use weed in public, so smoking or consuming weed of any kind is restricted to private residences where the landlord approves of smoking on the premises.

Unlike other provinces, it is illegal to grow weed in Manitoba as well. If you’re looking to try out cultivating your own cannabis plants you will have to do so elsewhere, as your plants could get you some jail time in this province.

Lastly, it is illegal to drive with weed that is not locked away in the trunk of your car or a similar compartment that you can’t access while driving and you obviously can’t drive while smoking weed as well.

Why Buy Weed in Manitoba:

Despite some of the strict regulations on marijuana usage in Manitoba, this province is a wonderful place to get high.

Manitoba’s main attraction, the city of Winnipeg, is quite a weed-friendly city and you will have no shortage of sites to see and activities to have fun with if you plan on sticking around there.

There really are two parts to Manitoba, the southern and the northern. If you plan on staying in the southern part there are all kinds of historic places you can go while high.

Museums, historic sites, and all kinds of thought provoking attractions can make for some spiritual experiences to share with friends and lead to some of the best high conversations you can think of.

Of course, heading up north is another great idea because of Manitoba’s endless natural beauty. While it can get a bit cold, there are beautiful lakes, forests, and trails that you can immerse yourself in while on a high adventure you will never forget.

One of the top stoner destinations in Manitoba (honestly just one of the top destinations as well) is the northern lights. This once in a lifetime experience can only be made better after an edible or two and will be a sight you will surely always remember.

Bottom Line:

Manitoba may be tough on marijuana usage, even after Canada has legalized weed nationwide, but it is a great spot to set for your cannabis-related excursions.

Buying weed there is simple so long as you are above the age of 19 and all you have to do is make sure you smoke it indoors, hopefully with a few friends to share with as well.

Speaking of, be sure to always keep Manitoba’s rules and regulations surrounding cannabis in mind so you can partake safely.

Finally, be sure to stock up whether you’ll be around the northern lights or the city streets of Winnipeg because there are almost too many places to stop in this province that is now a part of the legal marijuana map!